Saturday, November 13, 2004

First Snowfall

The first snowfall of the season never lasts. The herald of the coming season draws our attention with a glistening blanket woven with holiday dreams. As the day wears on, the snow melts, and all we are left with is wet shoes and the tease of a memory jostled.

For me, snow still holds magic. For a moment, when everything is coated like frosted mini-wheats, there is a peace & beauty that is unspoiled. It makes you forget about the things that trouble you, about the late car payment, the unfinished project at work. Snow drifts down and settles on your car like the cat that pads into a room and is suddenly nestled beside you on the couch. Well, most times it does. Sometimes it beats you mercilessly until you collapse beneath 7 feet of the stuff. Thankfully those times are few and far between.

It is always a privilege to see the world through the eyes of a child. My boys both greeted the morning with shouts of delight, proclaiming "it's snow!" And indeed it was. Not a headache, or a nuisance, something to shovel, or the reason I was late. Just snow.

For one day each year, I am taken back to a time when the innocence of childhood replaces everything else.


At 6:19 AM, Blogger Alison said...

I miss snow so much. In the ten years I've lived in this area of France, I've seen snow exactly three times. Last year it snowed enough that the kids were able to play in it. They spent the entire afternoon outside and when they came in I made hot chocolate for everyone.
Thanks for reminding me how cool and exciting snow is.

At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We haven't had our first snow yet, so that made your post all that more special. The pictures are fabulous, too. You are a very good photographer. Very nice area you live in there.

Take care,

-- Jennnn

At 3:07 AM, Blogger bothenook said...

i love snow. i get in my car, drive to tahoe, play in it until i've had enough, then drive home, and barbque some steaks out on the deck. yup, snow's pretty neat, as long as i don't have to live in it!


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