Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Lost and Found

I am not sure what happens when you die. I imagine that there is something other than nothing. I'd like to believe that we are more than beings that only wonder about what happens next, but will exist somehow in another manner once we no longer occuopy out bodies.

A comedian once mentioned that when you die, you get a box with all the stuff you ever lost - umbrellas, gloves, hats, etc. What becomes of the people that you've lost? The friends that drifted away, the lovers that stopped loving you, the people that just dropped out? Do you ever get them back?

In my life, people are very special. My good friends are always my friends, no matter what. When I love someone, there will always be a little bit of that person with me forever. I'm not the type that hopes I never see someone again.

So maybe you are one of those pepople that drifted away. Maybe you've been reading and realized there is someone in your life like that right now. Know what? Now is the time to do something.

Maybe there is something that happens when we die - someplace we go. But what if there isn't?


At 7:00 PM, Blogger edieraye said...

Wouldn't it be great if there was a box of lost stuff? I have a favorite umbrella that I left in class once and it was gone when I went back for it. I've never found an umbrella since that I felt any connection to. The ones I have now are purely functional but that one was an expression of who I was, it made me look forward to rainy days just so I could use it.

At 8:58 PM, Blogger laprincessa said...

Two things:

1) RAWK, I'm able to read AND post on your blog for the first time...EVER.

2) I mottled through life for a very long time feeling a lot what you've described. Then I found a book.


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