Tuesday, June 14, 2005

You May Already Be A Winner

Sometimes when you get knocked down, it is too easy to wallow in your misery. Sometimes it is well deserved and even preferable to facing up to everything else going on. Sometimes you need a dose of reality, no matter how harsh it may be, even at the risk of bringing you down further. It is at moments like this when you have to own up to the fact that things are pretty darn good, and for the most part, we already are pretty lucky to have all we do.

My friends mean a lot to me. The ones that have become a big part of my life know this, and know there's nothing I won't do for them. So maybe I am not always going to go the right route with trying to help them, but my heart is in the right place, and despite the detours we end up in the right place.

Then there are the friends that you can't do anything for. The ones that you know need help but close themselves off. The ones that distance themselves from you and the rest of the world. Frustrating? Heartbreaking? You bet. But you know what the reality is. And you've made it well known that you are always there for them.

I've been through a lot lately, and my friends have helped me through. Their love and the love I have for them only grows stronger each day. In this way I know just how lucky I am - even for the friends that I may have lost. Why? Because I had an opportunity and I made the most of it and gave of myself to someone else. And I'd do it again.


At 2:51 PM, Blogger bhd said...

Beautiful. As are you.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

hey you. BIG BEAR HUG! the world is a better place because you are in it. thanks for always being there for me.

i promise one day you will hear my voice. not sure if you are ready for that shock...tee hee...love ya. mel

At 3:15 AM, Blogger Alexandra said...

Just to let you know that I'm on board...and reading! *hug*


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