Sunday, January 08, 2006

B to the E?

N to the O.

$1.50 for a 10 ounce can, alcohol 6.6% by volume, and it tastes too damn sweet. Like mixing beer and Mike's Hard Lemonade and RockStar. Frankly, leave beer alone. Whatever this is, it sure isn't beer.

I did like the can, and 10 ounce vs. 12 ounce? I don't think you can tell the difference without really looking hard. Perhaps a new trend will emerge here?


At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they're transitioning to metric?

No, that's not it. If they were, it would be 11 oz. (33 centiliters).

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, i tried that crap over the summer at a party. i could have told you to stay away. far, far away....

At 6:00 PM, Blogger newwavegurly said...

What is that stuff? Obviously a Budweiser product, but what is it supposed to be>

At 3:41 PM, Blogger An Urban Femme said...

I can't believe you cheated on Shiner Bock with...Bud(shudder)weiser!


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

see now i have to try it. just out of principal. although i never though budweiser made a decent product.

except maybe busch beer.Really cold on a Hot Texas day...


At 3:55 AM, Blogger owld_skipper said...

Total non sequitur: When your blog page displays in my Firefox browser window there is an overlay in the frames on the right side. Doesn't happen with any of the other Blogger blogs I visit. Not a huge problem but it detracts from the sublime symmetry that you work so hard to achieve. ;-)

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same problem as Owld_S.

I viewed your blog in IE and it looked perfect, FWIW.

I'll take the overlapping frames in Firefox over anything in IE any day.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger ResearchGuy® said...

Browser snobs! :Þ

I'd fix it but I have no clue how since I don't have Firefox. :(

At 1:35 PM, Blogger hobbitt said...

12oz downsized to 10oz...

Remember when you paid 10 cents for 5 sticks of gum? And then suddenly you had to pay 25 cents for 7 sticks? And you thought it was a good thing?

That's marketing...

(You should know! Doesn't the back page of Consumer Reports always have something like this? :))

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's part of the fitness trend...Now, with 20% fewer calories and all the flavor!

And you should just never, ever, drink anything named Budweiser. Just on principle. It's like White Zin. Never drink white zinfandel, even if you like it. Trust me; you'll be a better person for it.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Perhaps the trend is this:

If it tastes like shit then give them less of it! They'll appreciate you for it in the end!

At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what you were thinking, my friend. But it's not what I would have thought.


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